Articles By This Author


Collaborative in a time of COVID

[ad_1] by Beth Aarons When a former family law colleague of mine told me about Collaborative Law Process sometime around


What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

[ad_1] I remember distinctly what I wore to court a quarter of a century ago when my divorce was finalized.


Fair Divorce | Step Parenting

[ad_1] Step-parenting, the role of an individual who enters into a family where at least one parent has children from

Blog Blogs

Parenting After Divorce – Tips for Interacting with Your Ex

[ad_1] Parenting after divorce with your ex can be challenging at times, especially if each of you seems to have


Can you Deviate from the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines?

[ad_1] When completing the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, many people are surprised by the resulting amount.  The court treats


What You Really Want to Say Now That You Are Divorced

[ad_1] So, you have weathered the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical storms of your divorce, and if you have


Fair Divorce | Free Online Divorce Summit on Global Fair Divorce Day

[ad_1] On 25 June, we all wear something blue on our left hand or decorate our left hand in any

Blog Blogs

Step Grandparent Adjustment and the Blended Family

[ad_1] Adjusting to a new step grandparent can be challenging for children that have gone through a divorce. When one


2024 U.S. Presidential Party Platforms

[ad_1] While the laws that affect family formation, marriage and divorce are often made at the state level, there are

Court Cam

Boyfriend’s Ex-Wife: Getting Along With Her

[ad_1] I’ve written so many articles giving advice to women on how to deal with their ex’s new girlfriend. But