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Restraining Orders and Orders of Protection

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[ad_1] Restraining orders (sometimes called protective orders) are court orders issued to help protect someone from harm by another person. These

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Thanksgiving After Divorce

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[ad_1] If you’re dealing with a divorce, Thanksgiving can be a heart-wrenching time. Where last year you were still a

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Student Loans and Divorce – Factors Affecting Division of the Debt

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[ad_1] Are you worried about who will be responsible for the debt if you or your spouse owe on student

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Relocation Hearing after Divorce – What to Focus On

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[ad_1] Many women consider relocation after divorce as a way to put their divorce behind them and make a fresh

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Collaborative Divorce Alternatives

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[ad_1] Basically, a divorce is either contested (the parties disagree on certain issues) or uncontested (the parties are able to

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Moving After Divorce And The Effect On Children

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[ad_1] If you’re thinking about moving after divorce, especially if it’s a long distance, you need to consider the effect

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Interpreting Child Behavior During Divorce

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[ad_1] Trying to understand and interpret child behavior during divorce can cause some parents to jump to conclusions. How children

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Divorce In An Abusive Relationship

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[ad_1] If you are in an abusive relationship and are considering separation or divorce, you need to proceed carefully. Your

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Getting Passport Consent for Children of Divorce

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[ad_1] Does a non-custodial parent have to sign a passport consent form before a child can be issued a passport

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Divorcing an Abusive Husband – What You Need to Know

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[ad_1] Ending a marriage is never easy, but divorcing an abusive husband can make an already bad situation dangerous. This