
What is a 70/30 Custody Schedule?

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[ad_1] Divorce is hard, but dealing with a divorce and child custody can be overwhelming and emotionally triggering. Let’s face


How to Walk Away from an Ex

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[ad_1] It’s happening. It doesn’t matter if you have been thinking about this, or if it was forced on you.


What is a Divorce Photoshoot? And Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?

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[ad_1] You may remember the “Drive-Thru Wedding” trend that was so popular for couples during the pandemic, where lovebirds got


What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

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[ad_1] A custody battle is exactly what it sounds like. It is a high-conflict court case where the parties are


What is the Average Marriage Length in the USA?

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[ad_1] I don’t know about you, but before I got married I never thought about how long my marriage would


Collaborative in a time of COVID

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[ad_1] by Beth Aarons When a former family law colleague of mine told me about Collaborative Law Process sometime around


What to Wear to Court for Divorce Proceedings

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[ad_1] I remember distinctly what I wore to court a quarter of a century ago when my divorce was finalized.


Can you Deviate from the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines?

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[ad_1] When completing the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, many people are surprised by the resulting amount.  The court treats


What You Really Want to Say Now That You Are Divorced

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[ad_1] So, you have weathered the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical storms of your divorce, and if you have


2024 U.S. Presidential Party Platforms

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[ad_1] While the laws that affect family formation, marriage and divorce are often made at the state level, there are