Articles By This Author

Court Cam

Discernment Counseling – Divorced Girl Smiling

[ad_1] Discernment counseling is a powerful option for what is called the “mixed agenda” couple, where one person is seriously

Blog Blogs

Embracing Transformation After Divorce | Womans Divorce

[ad_1] Divorce has a way of shattering much of the structure that defined your life, leaving you longing for what


Are Mediators in Massachusetts Certified?

[ad_1] I get this question from lawyers a lot who are wondering if a particular training will “certify” them to

Blog Blogs

Co-Parenting Communication Tips | Womans Divorce

[ad_1] After a contentious divorce, talking with your ex may be the last thing you want to do. But you


Easier than Ever to be Collaboratively Trained!

[ad_1] UPDATE: The first online training was so well received, MCLC is planning a second.  The next training will be held

Blog Blogs

Dealing with Divorce Guilt and Shame

[ad_1] Most women who have ended their marriage have dealt with some form of divorce guilt or shame. They may


2020 U.S. Presidential Platforms – What do they say about Families?

[ad_1] In 2016 we shared what each presidential platform stated about families and given the upcoming election we want to

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Gathering Financial Documents for Divorce

[ad_1] Most likely, your divorce attorney will request numerous financial documents for divorce settlement negotiations. These documents are important because

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Small Business Valuation in Divorce

[ad_1] By Attorney Steven A. Harris  Many times when couples get divorced, one or both of them are running a


Justice App – a Resource worth Downloading

[ad_1] Skylark’s online Massachsuetts Child Support Calculator  was recently added as a resource on JusticeApp – a free downloadable resource from