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Child Custody and Visitation Basics

[ad_1] One of the biggest conflicts in many divorce cases is how child custody and visitation will be structured. By

Court Cam

Dating Someone Who is Not Divorced Yet

[ad_1] There are many men and women who have a rule when it comes to dating someone who is not


Child Abduction Peaks in Summer: What to Look Out For

[ad_1] Kate BanerjeePartner and Head of the Children DepartmentJones Myers Family Law Solicitors Extensive studies and statistics highlight that cases


A Guide to Gathering the Right Paperwork

[ad_1] A Guide to Gathering the Right Paperwork | The Divorce Magazine


Healing the Hidden Roots of Divorce in 8 Steps

[ad_1] Johanna LynnFounderThe Family Imprint Institute Divorce can feel like it shatters your world, leaving you adrift in a sea


What is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?

[ad_1] Marriage is like a give-and-give relationship where both partners give their best to make things work. However, there are

Court Cam

My BRAND NEW Dating After Divorce Book

[ad_1] Dating after divorce can feel like a nightmare. At least it did for me. When I got divorced in

Court Cam

One Big Reason Why Marriages Fail

[ad_1] This might sound trite, but a common cliché is “you have to be happy with yourself before you are


The Dangers of DIY Divorces

[ad_1] The Dangers of DIY Divorces | The Divorce Magazine

Court Cam

Someone Going through a Divorce

[ad_1] When I was newly separated, I was brokenhearted. I also had feelings of fear, anger, resentment and confusion. I