Articles By This Author


Is My Marriage Over? – SAS for Women

[ad_1] Lola hasn’t had it easy the past six months. Her husband, Ivan, is currently recovering from his fourth spinal


Fair Divorce | 50 Fifty Shared Parenting in Divorce

[ad_1] The Pros and Cons The decision to implement 50/50 shared parenting in a divorce is one of the most

Blog Blogs

Realities of Late Life Divorce

[ad_1] While the divorce rate for younger couples has started to decline, the rate of late life divorce is on


What About the Dog? Pet Custody and Divorce

[ad_1] What About the Dog? Pet Custody and Divorce

Blog Blogs

Child Custody Jurisdiction – What You Need to Know

[ad_1] For child custody issues to be determined by the court, the court must have custody jurisdiction to rule on

Court Cam

What A Real Estate Agent Does

[ad_1] In today’s digital world, it’s tempting to rely on online tools like Zillow for a quick estimate of your


Why Pre-Nups Protect Assets and Peace of Mind

[ad_1] Why Pre-Nups Protect Assets and Peace of Mind | TDM

Blog Blogs

Emotionally Abusive Relationships – Reclaiming Your Power

[ad_1] An emotionally abusive relationship is one in which the abuser uses non-physical behaviors to control, manipulate, and demean the

Court Cam

Relationship Closure: Do We Need It

[ad_1] Are you looking for relationship closure after your divorce? The aftermath of every breakup or divorce is unique. Some


How Parents Can Create a Safe Haven for Grieving Children

[ad_1] How Parents Can Create a Safe Haven for Grieving Children | TDM