Court Cam

How Much is a Wife Entitled To in a Divorce

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[ad_1] A question I get asked a lot by newly separated women is: “How much is a wife entitled to

Court Cam

Discernment Counseling – Divorced Girl Smiling

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[ad_1] Discernment counseling is a powerful option for what is called the “mixed agenda” couple, where one person is seriously

Court Cam

Read Every Line of Your Divorce Documents

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[ad_1] I want to offer some advice that I believe could make a big difference in your life and in

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Divorce and College Planning – Divorced Girl Smiling

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[ad_1] Going through a divorce or being divorced can bring many uncertainties, especially when it comes to planning and preparing

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How to Overcome Gender Bias in a Custody Dispute

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[ad_1] The post How to Overcome Gender Bias in a Custody Dispute appeared first on Paré & Associates, LLC.. [ad_2]

Court Cam

How Do Men Defend Against Allegations of Domestic Violence?

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[ad_1] There’s some plain and simple truths about domestic violence. Women are victims of domestic violence. Men are also victims