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Enjoying the Holidays Despite Your Divorce

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[ad_1] Enjoying the holidays can feel like a lot of pressure. Especially if you are newly separated, separated or divorced.

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Boyfriend’s Ex-Wife: Getting Along With Her

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[ad_1] I’ve written so many articles giving advice to women on how to deal with their ex’s new girlfriend. But

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A Divorce Strategy Where Everyone Wins

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[ad_1] “I’m getting divorced—I need an aggressive divorce attorney.” “First thing to do is make sure you have a strong

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How to have the what are we conversation

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[ad_1] In today’s world of dating, I feel like more people then ever are “hooking up” and they don’t really

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Raising Healthy Children Through Divorce

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[ad_1] After your divorce, you are no longer married to each other and you will each live your own life.

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Handling Change During and After Divorce

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[ad_1] Let’s talk about handling change and how difficult that can feel during and after divorce. What do the following

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Christmas Card Etiquette After Divorce

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[ad_1] The holiday season is such a fun time to go to your mailbox. Why? Because you probably get some

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Divorce in Maryland With This Team

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[ad_1] When I first became separated in 2008, I hired a lawyer. That was it. I interviewed two divorce lawyers

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Being Alone After Divorce: Why it’s okay

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[ad_1] There’s a reason so many people jump into serious relationships or get married quickly after a divorce. Hearing about

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When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want A Divorce

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[ad_1] My heart went out to this woman, whose spouse doesn’t want a divorce: “I want a divorce but my