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How Divorced Moms Can Make Smart Financial Choices

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[ad_1]   Whether you’re planning for divorce, in its midst, or have made it through to the other side, one

Blog Blogs

How is Child Support Calculated?

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[ad_1] A question we are often asked on this site is “How is Child Support Calculated?” There is no one-size-fits-all

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We All Need a Day Of Reflection

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[ad_1]   My favorite day of the week. Always on a Sunday, I allow myself time to relax, reflect and

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Uninsured Medical Expenses and Child Support

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[ad_1] Learn what uninsured medical expenses are for child support purposes and how these expenses are split.   By WomansDivorce |

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Family Law Litigation in Pennsylvania; What Hath Covid Wrought?

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[ad_1] We try to keep track of trends in family law. 2020 was, for many reasons, an unusual year. But

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How To Survive The Divorce Process With a Narcissist

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[ad_1]   Divorce is often a painful and challenging experience, but it can be even more difficult when dealing with

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Divorce Financing Encounters A Turbulent Real Estate Market

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[ad_1] At the end of the day, divorce is a financial transaction wrapped in complex human emotions. Part of the

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Reasons to Change the Visitation Schedule

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[ad_1] It’s common for divorced parents to want to make changes to the parenting plan over time, but what are

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The Truth Behind Why Women File For Divorce More Often Than Men

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[ad_1]   According to statistics, women file for divorce more often than men. This has been a consistent trend for

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IS CONTINGENT DEBT SUBJECT TO DISTRIBUTION? A Student Loan Guaranty Needs to be Addressed in Divorce

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[ad_1] IS CONTINGENT DEBT SUBJECT TO DISTRIBUTION? A Student Loan Guaranty Needs to be Addressed in Divorce | Pennsylvania Family