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Why Parenting Classes for Divorce are Important

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[ad_1] Going through a divorce is tough on both parents and their children. And it can be hard to maintain

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Parenting After Divorce – Tips for Interacting with Your Ex

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[ad_1] Parenting after divorce with your ex can be challenging at times, especially if each of you seems to have

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Step Grandparent Adjustment and the Blended Family

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[ad_1] Adjusting to a new step grandparent can be challenging for children that have gone through a divorce. When one

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Realities of Late Life Divorce

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[ad_1] While the divorce rate for younger couples has started to decline, the rate of late life divorce is on

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Child Custody Jurisdiction – What You Need to Know

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[ad_1] For child custody issues to be determined by the court, the court must have custody jurisdiction to rule on

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Emotionally Abusive Relationships – Reclaiming Your Power

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[ad_1] An emotionally abusive relationship is one in which the abuser uses non-physical behaviors to control, manipulate, and demean the

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Visitation Guidelines For A Sick Child

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[ad_1] Are there visitation guidelines for a sick child? Generally, this is an issue that is not addressed by the

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Annulment vs Divorce – What’s the Difference

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[ad_1] The question of getting an annulment vs divorce is one that comes up often on this site. There are

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Modifying Your Parenting Time Plan

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[ad_1] By Sarah J. Jacobs, Family Law Attorney When you first separated from your ex, your parenting time plan may have taken

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Child Custody and Visitation Basics

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[ad_1] One of the biggest conflicts in many divorce cases is how child custody and visitation will be structured. By