
Custody Battles and Fatherhood Men’s Rights in Maryland Divorce Cases

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[ad_1] How Are Fathers’ Rights to Custody Recognized in Maryland Divorce Cases? In Maryland, fathers’ rights in custody battles during a divorce


What is a Single Joint Expert (SJE)?

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[ad_1] What is a Single Joint Expert (SJE)? | The Divorce Magazine


Pre-Divorce Coaching | Healthcare & Medical Considerations

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[ad_1] This is the next post in my series discussing topics a married person may wish to consider prior to


How To Prepare For Family Law Mediation

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[ad_1] Alabama couples who have separated may take advantage of mediation services to resolve disputed issues pertaining to their divorce.


Should I Get a Prenup?

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[ad_1] Questions like “Should I get a prenup?” usually don’t cross your mind when you’re thinking about getting married, but


How do I Navigate the legal system during my Divorce?

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[ad_1] Navigating the legal system during a divorce can be complex and overwhelming, but here are some general tips that


Co-Parenting Coordinator Agreements – What They Can Do and How to Draft Them

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[ad_1] Conflict between parents negatively affects children but for some parents it’s hard to avoid conflict when separating or divorcing. 


Smart Money Moves For Divorced Moms on the Job Hunt

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[ad_1]   Divorce is difficult for anyone, but it can be particularly challenging for single mothers. As you navigate the


FEAR, MONEY & MARKETS: As if Covid Isn’t Enough

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[ad_1] People often ask divorce lawyers how they do it. My stock answer is that it’s like any other financial


How to Calculate a House Buyout in a Divorce

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[ad_1] This simple and effective calculator can help you calculate the buyout amount for your house in a divorce. House