DCF Case Study: How a Divorce and Disagreements Turned into False DCF Allegations of Neglect


I recently had a case where the mom came into my office. She had four children. She was in the process of a horrific divorce. The father just disagreed with her on everything and everything. And he would make phone calls to DCF about mom, and mom then would have to defend herself. And DCF came in and wanted to interview the mom. The mom came in and talked to me and says, “Kevin, what do I do?” And I walked her through what I thought was a good game plan. And so we met with DCF during the investigation and DCF wanted to interview her, separate, distinct and apart from the children. And they wanted DCF to interview the children alone. And I told them all I said, “The biggest mistake you can make is to allow DCF to interview children alone.” There’s no type of responsibility. There’s no way to double and triple check the story, because the DCF takes the child behind closed doors. God only knows what the child’s going to say. God only knows that story’s going to be recorded or written down properly. And whether they’re going to mishear or misunderstand what the child’s saying. And under no circumstances, do you allow your child to be interviewed alone. And so the mother then listened to me, and they came to the home and DCF interviewed the children. I was present when they interviewed the children, and the children gave the complete set of facts that mother had said it to me in my office a day or two earlier. That nothing had happened, that mother had never hit the children, never abused them, never neglected them. And this was just a jealous ex in Probate and Family Court trying to get leverage and get custody. And it was a bogus, bogus, false allegation. And much to the credit of the DCF Social Worker, she listened intently to each and every child, all four of them, which took a long time and asked down every question under the sun including, “Do you feel safe in mom’s home? Has mom ever hit you? Does mom drink? Does mom do drugs? Does mom do this? Does mom do that?” And every single child lined up their story exactly as the previous child and in the end, the social worker said, “These kids were terrific. They’re well dressed. They’re well groomed. They’re very intelligent, they’re very kind, they’re very courteous.” And they told a story that mom is wonderful to them. They love their mom very much, and they feel very safe in her home. So guess what happened to the allegations? They went south and so did the case in Probate and Family Court. And now mom’s thrilled. And well, she should be. But she should be thrilled because the social worker did the right thing, got the right information out, looked at all the evidence, listen to the stories, listen to the witnesses, including the children, and didn’t jump to conclusions, which sometimes happens. And mom was patient, the children were patient. And in the end, DCF unsupported all the allegations and everybody was happy.

To know your legal rights, visit Attorney Seaver’s website: https://www.seaverdcflawyer.com/

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