
Skylark’s online Massachsuetts Child Support Calculator  was recently added as a resource on JusticeApp – a free downloadable resource from co-founders Damian Turco and Melina Munoz Turco.  This is the future of how clients will find reliable information, professionals and resources and we’re pleased to be included.

A Message from the Co-Founders:

JusticeApp is a free mobile app designed to help people with legal problems manage their cases through the court system. The app doesn’t aim to create solutions for every legal problem.  Rather, it aggregates credible resources already created and maintain by government, legal aid organization, and, in some select instances, private attorneys, in a simple and clean interface. No more endless internet searches at two in the morning, wondering if the information you find is accurate and reliable. 

Without leaving the app, JusticeApp guides you to resources on the law, courthouses, and the court’s official online docket. You can draft court forms and order an court audio recording or transcript of your hearing. It also has a marketplace to search for representation based on price, distance, and rate, including legal aid, free court programs, and private attorneys. And, if you check out the Spotlight feature or subscribe to their youtube channel, you’ll find the Co-Founders, Damian Turco and Melina Munoz Turco, interviewing legal champions to raise awareness about their causes and organizations. JusticeApp is free and in both the Apple and Google Play app stores, so download it and check it out.

Website:  https://justiceapp.com/

Apple:  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/justiceapp/id1513643433

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.myappoq 


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