
adults on dateThis is the first post in my new series which will address a topic that is generally a hot button issue: can and should one date prior to a divorce, and what are the rules following a divorce. When leaving a marriage, some spouses are eager to dive into the dating scene and move on. Other spouses need to mourn their marriage and may be extremely hurt by their former partner moving on quickly. When children are in the equation, dating after a divorce becomes even more complicated. While there are no hard and fast ‘rules,’ there are some etiquette that one may wish to follow, that can help the divorce process go more smoothly. In my upcoming series, I will attempt to address the topics that I find come up most frequently during divorce.

Topics which I will address in my upcoming series include:

  • Can dating during my divorce affect my divorce settlement
  • How to discuss dating ground rules with your co-parent
  • How to discuss the topic of your divorce with new partners
  • How to determine if you are ready to date following a divorce
  • How to discuss a remarriage or a new partner moving in with your children

Beginning to date following the break up of a marriage is a very personal choice. And it is also a choice that each spouse will go on to make individually. In divorce coaching there are two aspects of dating after divorce that I work with my clients on– their desire to date after a divorce, and their personal, complicated feelings about their former spouse moving on.

Pre and post divorce coaching is a short term, solution based service that helps individuals objectively look at the components in their lives and make action based decisions. In coaching, we may discuss pros and cons of dating, how to make ground rules for co-parenting, and to determine if either spouse’s current dating has the ability to legally impact their divorce. Please be aware that divorce coaching is not the same as in depth psychotherapy. As a divorce coach I aim to support and empower my clients to make decisions to help them successfully navigate their divorce and move on. But if one is experiencing signs of depression or extreme anxiety such as the inability to concentrate, listlessness, the inability to get out of bed, the inability to stop crying, insomnia, any extreme disruption in daily functioning, or ideation of self-harm, one should immediately seek out the services of a licensed therapist.

My virtual divorce coaching service can be done from anywhere in the United States, and I work with individuals from all fifty states. If you are going through a divorce and need support in making personal decisions while you navigate the complexities of ending a marriage, contact me today for more information.


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