How to Survive Divorce When It Looks Hopeless


There’s a twilight period in life when hope seems like a forgotten concept, swallowed up in the dense fog of despair. Divorce – even the mere thought of it – can feel like walking a tightrope in that very twilight. It’s the precipice of losing what you had, the leaving of what you thought was your rock-solid foundation, and the uncertain future stretching out in front of you like a tenuous, frayed rope.

Whether you’re teetering on the edge of considering a divorce or already trudging through the thorny process, it may feel like you’re ensnared in a hopelessly grim situation. But in the echoing words of Albus Dumbledore, even in the darkest of times, one only needs to remember to turn on the light.

The question then arises: how do you flip on that light switch when it feels as if you’re fumbling and stumbling in the dark? How do you find that sliver of hope in what looks like a hopeless situation? How do you survive divorce when all appears lost? 

Fortunately, you’re not the first to stumble and fumble your way through the fog of despair. We’ve helped hundreds of women find their way forward. So, we know exactly the kind of help you need. Let’s begin walking through your key sources of support.

How to Survive Divorce: Educate Yourself

Is it really that bleak? Sometimes, the biggest terror is not the monster under our bed, but the monster of the unknown. Divorce can seem intimidating, not just because it signifies the end of a relationship, but also because it throws you into unfamiliar territory. 

The only way to conquer this fear of the unknown is through education.

Begin by exploring the digital world, which is a treasure trove of resources. Websites, blogs, eBooks, podcasts, YouTube videos, webinars, forums – there are numerous channels where you can glean insight into divorce. Read about the process, understand legal terms, study your state laws, and familiarize yourself with potential outcomes. The more you understand, the less intimidating it becomes.

Read: “Your State Law and Divorce
And “Which States Have the Shortest Residency Requirements to Divorce (and Which Ones the Longest?”

Online communities and forums can also be a source of both information and solace. Hearing from those who have walked the same path can help you comprehend not only the procedural aspect of divorce but also the emotional journey.

Read: “11 Divorce Truths Divorced Women Want You to Know”
Did you know about these? “Free Divorce Resources for Women”

However, while online resources can serve as a foundation, your education needs to be tailored to your specific situation. Legal procedures, financial implications, and emotional ramifications can vary dramatically based on individual circumstances.

Seek out a divorce lawyer for a one-on-one consultation. They can provide a preliminary evaluation based on your specific situation, offering insight into potential outcomes, legal rights, and obligations.

Check out “Questions to Ask a Divorce Attorney at a Consultation”

Similarly, discuss your financial scenario with a financial advisor or a CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst). Understand your current financial state, the impact of divorce, and potential financial strategies to adopt.

If you’re uncertain where to start in finding these experts, a divorce coach can help you do that. She can also provide you with support in many more ways including helping you prepare, prioritize and take action.

Remember, knowledge is power. The more you understand your situation, the better equipped you are to make decisions that protect your interests.

Identify Your Allies: Build a Support Team

Facing divorce can feel like being in a boat on stormy seas. The waves of emotions, legal complexities, and financial concerns can be overwhelming. However, you don’t have to navigate these choppy waters alone. Assembling a support team can help steady your boat and guide you toward calmer seas.

Legal representation is paramount. Find a lawyer who specializes in family law and has experience handling divorces similar to yours. Look for someone who aligns with your communication style and feels empathetic to your situation. Remember, they will be your advocate in the legal arena, so it’s vital they understand your perspective and are committed to representing your interests.

Financial advice is equally crucial. Consult a financial advisor, ideally a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), who understands the financial complexities of divorce. They can provide advice on asset division, alimony, child support, retirement planning, tax implications, and future financial planning. The right advisor can help you achieve financial stability during and after your divorce.

A divorce coach is another critical member of your support team. She can provide guidance, emotional support, and practical advice, helping you maintain focus, set priorities, and make decisions. She can also assist you in finding other professionals like lawyers and financial advisors.

Lastly, don’t forget the emotional support.

Lean on your family members and friends who can provide comfort, encouragement, and a listening ear. 

Consider seeking professional mental health support, like a therapist or counselor, who can provide tools and techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and grief.

Joining a support group can also be beneficial, offering you a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and derive comfort from those who understand your journey.

Act Smart: Don’t Just Languish or Overanalyze

Knowledge and support are essential, but they are only effective when they catalyze action. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain when facing a divorce. However, paralysis can amplify your fears and prolong your distress. The key is to act smartly and decisively.

Firstly, develop a game plan. Map out your strategy based on your priorities.

Read “55 Must Do’s on Your Modern Divorce Checklist.”

For instance, if your main concern is child custody, gather all necessary documentation, demonstrate your parental commitment, and consult a lawyer experienced in custody cases.

Secondly, avoid impulsive decisions. Remember that every action can have long-term implications, so it’s important to be measured and thoughtful. If you’re unsure, seek advice from your support team.

Thirdly, set milestones. Breaking down the process into manageable tasks can make it feel less daunting. Celebrating even small victories can boost your morale and keep you motivated.

Lastly, practice patience. Legal procedures can be time-consuming, and emotional healing takes time. Don’t rush the process; instead, use this time to self-reflect, heal, and prepare for the next chapter of your life.

Prioritize Self-Care: You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

Navigating divorce can be emotionally draining. It’s like fighting a battle on multiple fronts – legal, financial, and emotional. Amidst this chaos, you must prioritize self-care. The healthier you are, mentally and physically, the better equipped you’ll be to handle the challenges.

Think of yourself as a car on a long journey – you need regular maintenance and refueling to keep running smoothly. This maintenance comes in various forms, from ensuring a balanced diet, to engaging in regular exercise, and ensuring you get enough sleep.

Sleep, in particular, is crucial. Exhaustion, both mental and physical, can cloud your judgment and intensify emotions. A well-rested mind and body can offer a fresh perspective and an enhanced ability to tackle challenges. 

Read why sleep is so important to your health here.

When the world around you seems to be in disarray, establish routines that can offer a sense of normalcy and stability. Keep a journal to articulate your thoughts and feelings. Engage in activities that bring you joy and calm, be it gardening, painting, meditation, or just a long walk in the park.

Seek professional help if necessary. Therapists or counselors can provide valuable tools and techniques to navigate emotional turmoil. Mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, cognitive behavioral therapy, or simply talking through your feelings can all aid in managing stress and promoting mental wellness.

Remember, self-care is not indulgent; it’s essential. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Nurture your well-being, so you’re equipped to handle the challenges that come your way.

Hold on to Hope: Your Lifeline in the Darkness

Sometimes, all you need is a glimmer of hope to light the way in the darkest tunnel. When things seem bleak and progress feels slow, hold onto hope. It’s not about wishful-thinking; it’s about the conviction that better days lie ahead.

Hope is about reminding yourself that you have survived all of your worst days so far, and you’re capable of surviving this too. It’s about recognizing that even though divorce marks the end of a chapter, it also marks the beginning of a new one. It’s an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and reinvention.

Seek inspiration in stories of people who’ve walked the path before you, who’ve faced similar challenges, and who have emerged victorious. Let their experiences remind you that it is possible to survive, and even thrive, after a divorce. Remember, countless women have weathered this storm before you. They’ve done it, and so can you.

Divorce is a journey, often an arduous one. But it’s also a chance to turn a new leaf, to find yourself, and to shape your own destiny. There will be bad days, there will be better days, and eventually, there will be good days. So, if you’re asking, “How to survive divorce when it looks hopeless,” remember that you are never as helpless as you think. Equip yourself with knowledge, gather your support team, act smartly, take care of yourself, and most importantly, hold onto hope. Because, as the saying goes, this too shall pass.

And remember, countless women have weathered this storm before you. They’ve done it, and so can you.


Since 2012, smart women around the world have chosen SAS for Women to partner with them through the emotional and oftentimes complicated experience of divorce. We invite you to learn what’s possible for you and your precious life. Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with SAS now.


*We support same-sex marriages. For the sake of simplicity in this article, however, we refer to your spouse as your “husband” or a “he.”

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