I created a book about breaking up and divorce which I sell for about $5 at:


When you divorce, you must deal with breaking up and the aftermath of it from a legal, spiritual and emotional point of view with money, children, alimony, property, the car, pets, etc. plus getting on with dating again or being happy alone.

Divorce is common. In my opinion, it’s because people marry too quickly. They’re smitten or desperate then a year later there’s nothing left but they hang on either hoping for improvement or because it’s a semi-comfortable existence, to be with someone you don’t love for convenience, social reasons and for a meal ticket.

Divorce is good because it’s better to split than to be with someone you’re not in love with.

I don’t believe in love experts but I studied love as extensively as any human being could. A lot of people fall in love with the idea of being in love because of all the media and cultural brainwash about the fantasy of deep romantic soulmate love.

Most movies and TV shows have something to do with someone falling in love. Even the action violent movies often have a James Bond type going off with the girl at the end.

I already talked about the mental illness of romantic love in my love superbook.

This is not a book about the philosophy and psychology of why love goes sour. It’s real and pragmatic.

As I’m writing this, I’m listening to TV shows on the Investigative Discovery TV network. So many people kill their spouses. They’re always the first suspect. Some people don’t realize that if you kill your spouse, the detectives will investigate you first as the primary suspect, your phone texts, your phone and car GPS, bank records, your relationships at work, your internet searches, etc. There are surveillance cameras everywhere nowadays. Very few people get away with it.

It’s less of a risk to get a divorce and lose some money than to think you can outsmart the cops, get some money in life insurance and get away clean. On top of that, murder is evil.

When the love or the delusion of love turns to indifference then anger and contempt, you have to deal with it in order to live a healthy life.

If you’re prone to quick anger, it’s better to walk away immediately when provoked than risk doing something violent in a flash that will send you straight to jail.

I was at a friend’s house. I had no idea he was having marital problems. Four of us were sitting there, relaxing and laughing. She comes in and starts hollering at nobody in particular. If I had a wife who acted like that in front of my friends, I would get rid of her immediately.

When it turns to hate, don’t stay. As far as I was concerned, she married him for a meal ticket.

Then there are the issues of cheating, adultery and online flirting.

Monogamy is a hard standard to live by.

The usual problems are money, children and pets.

Watch the divorce court shows on TV or youtube.

It might sound crass but you should make legal prenuptial agreements before you marry in the event of a divorce.

If you both work, keep separate bank accounts.

Agree that the pet belongs to the one who brought it into the marriage.

This is a practical guidebook for getting a divorce including advice about men’s rights and how to hide money.

A divorce can be amicable. It should be because we’re not supposed to be greedy bitches and bastards but there are lots of complications.

You can’t righteously argue that each leave with what they brought materially into the relationship because if the wife supports the husband from the home while he builds a business empire, she’s giving up that time and effort for him in good faith so she’s entitled to a good chunk for his fortune for believing that she is helping him achieve it as a team.

People treat children like pawns to get back at each other. It can be a real mess. The best way is to try to come to an agreement together without lawyers or the court then simply go to the court to make it legal.

In my book about sexual freedom, activism and rights, I talk about the idea of the hassle-free temporary marriage which would mean that if two people marry legally, there is a grace period of five to ten years where either partner can end it and both walk away without any legal monetary liability to each other.

This whole thing about the finality of a lifelong marriage for a young person stinks. The laws have to change.

Most women want the big marriage. Just look at all those bride shows on TV. We’re brought up in every culture to seek marriage as the answer to life even though Christian conservatives say the traditional family is being eroded away.

Philip Zimbardo came out with his book The Demise of Guys talking about guys not manning up anymore. They sit in fronrt of a creen, watch porn and video games. …



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