The Riverdale Actor Who Sh*t His Mom & Filmed A Creepy Video With Her Body


The Riverdale Actor Who Sh*t His Mom & Filmed A Creepy Video With Her Body

When we see kids growing up on screen, becoming Hollywood sweethearts, we usually see them as lucky people who live a good life and wouldn’t do any harm.

So we don’t expect to see them in news like these:

The day after he murdered his mother, he loaded his car with three guns, ammunition, 12 Molotov cocktails, and a map to Rideau Cottage I should say, which is where the Prime Minister and his family are currently living in Ottawa.

This is Ryan Grantham. He was once known as the star of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and the “Riverdale” actor. Now, he is a convicted murderer.

Why did Ryan murder his own mother in cold blood? Was it a long time coming, or did something in his mind switch?

And why was he planning on killing the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau?

Few things make sense in this case. It was a shocking twist to the story of a young actor, and several more twists followed after his arrest.

#truecrime #Annauncovered #documentary



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