Should You hack your spouse's email or text messages in a divorce? Follow tips & stay trouble free.


Your Lancaster, Ca Divorce Attorney advises you against hacking your spouse’s email or text messages in a divorce. Even if you’re tempted because you think your spouse is cheating or hiding something, but here’s why you should not spy on your spouse:

1. Do not spy on your spouse without permission. That applies to cameras, recorders, and tracking. Guessing the password does not count as permission. Turn off any gadgets your spouse leaves on to avoid temptation. Trust your spouse regarding emails or text messages.

2. The court will probably not consider any illegally obtained information. California is a no-fault community property state so each spouse is entitled to half of the community estate. It doesn’t matter if one spouse was unfaithful or whose fault it was.

3. Your conduct may violate wiretapping law or amount to harassment. You are probably violating your spouse’s privacy and committing a crime if you spy on your spouse. Your conduct may subject you to a family law restraining order and adversely affect your child custody case. It will also cost you time and expense.

4. Let Your Divorce Attorney find hidden assets or income. Through formal discovery, depositions, and 271 Sanctions, your divorce lawyer will uncover hidden property and make your spouse pay for attempting to hide assets or information.

5. Don’t create drama. Even if you don’t find anything your spouse will resent your hacking or attempted spying. You may also find things you don’t want to see or hear. Spying or hacking creates unneeded problems in an already complicated process. Simplify, don’t make divorce worse.



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