Divorce Coach For Dating & Re-Marriage


Man and woman having coffeeFor some, the thought of dating, let alone remarriage, seems impossible to even consider. For others, they are itching to date again in order to move on and to forget past wounds. It can be difficult to know when it may be time to move on and when it may be wise not to. Many divorcees find value in spending more time reflecting on their failed marriage and working on their own personal goals before setting out into the dating world again. Many divorcees also worry about when to allow someone new into their children’s lives. All of these considerations can be addressed with confidence when you hire a divorce coach

When you are working with a divorce coach, you have access to a source of guidance for when you may be ready to date. You also have trusted emotional support to help you navigate dating during what can be a difficult or confusing time. When you are married to someone, you become very used to their habits, tendencies, and personality. Dating new people can feel foreign and scary; it’s essential to have someone who has your best interest in mind and someone you can trust not to repeat information prematurely that you’re not comfortable sharing.

You can trust a divorce coach

It’s no secret that when someone is going through a divorce, people in their lives and communities may discuss their affairs. It’s important to be able to keep your private information private, especially when you are vulnerable and stepping back into the dating world after a divorce.

You also want to be sure that you are getting sound advice. Even well-meaning family and friends can lead you astray, such as friends who encourage partying, or “getting back out there” as a means to overcoming the grief of divorce. Like the term “sowing wild oats” may suggest, there is a lot of evidence[1] that many divorcees turn to bad habits to cope, including excessive drinking, partying, and frequenting the bar scene. This can lead to dating too early and dating the wrong people.

A divorce coach will help temper urges to cope unhealthily and make decisions that are stable and best for you and your family.

Divorce coaches have data and experience

Lindsey Sharp, founder of Sharp Divorce Coaching, has the life and career experience necessary to back up dating advice with data. It’s important to understand the statistics of dating after divorce to avoid negative outcomes in your next relationship. For example, even though almost half of marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages end in divorce[2].  Making poor choices entering the dating scene post-divorce will only lead to a greater likelihood that you will be part of that negative statistic. Further, 32% of people (and 78% of women) begin dating before they are even legally divorced. [3]

A divorce coach is going to be direct and transparent about the difficulties of dating after divorce. It is not always an easy road, so understanding the realities of what may lie ahead can help divorcees to make the best determination as to when they should start dating.

Divorce coaches help you focus on your goals

Probably the most important benefit to a divorce coach when considering re-entering the dating realm is that they will help you to focus on you. When dating, it’s easy to lose yourself in the relationship and to also lose sight of your individual goals. One of a divorce coach’s main priorities is to ensure that you are making plans, setting goals, and finding the best life possible after divorce. This includes only making space and time in your life for people who have your best interest in heart and support your desires for your life.

Life after divorce can be happy. Healthy and loving relationships after divorce are possible. Let Sharp Divorce Coaching provide the emotional support and common-sense advice you need to navigate each step of the journey. As a virtual divorce coaching option, Sharp Divorce Coaching services are open to anyone. Reach out today to discuss the services that may meet your needs.

[1] Why Divorced People Turn to Bad Habits To Cope – accessed at https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-divorced-people-turn_b_931034

[2] Divorce Statistics 2020 | Divorce Rate in America – accessed at https://canterburylawgroup.com/divorce-statistics-rates/

[3] This Is When You’ll Be Ready to Date Post-Divorce, Research Shows – accessed at https://bestlifeonline.com/dating-after-divorce-survey/

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