How To Overcome Fear – Divorce The Story Marry The Truth


“Marry the truth and divorce the story”

In this video, Kev is going to share some learning outcomes, from a quick story, a powerful story, which Kev has had in his life.

The week of the recording, Kev had the opportunity to go to a seminar, which was held in London for 3 days. Kev’s initial impression was that he was going to go,. Kev had a great experience with an earlier seminar, and it was great talking to other people, sharing his story, sharing insights and getting to know other people and learn.

Kev got an email from success resources from the guys who put the events on, and they offered Kev a free ticket, which made him want to go and have a great experience again.

Find out what happened by watching the video ЁЯЩВ



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