This Chapter of My Life is Called “Peace” I have decided to move forward with filing for a Divorce.


At this moment I cannot address certain things that have happened in the past few days. In due time I will. Thanks for praying and supporting me as I have made the best decision for me and my kids. I love you guys sooo much! I hope I have inspired the next woman who maybe experiencing the same thing to take a stand and do what’s right for herself and her children. Like a roller coaster, relationships have their ups and downs. But when you start to see more downs than ups, it’s time to exit that ride. Don’t ever allow someone to make you feel like you are not good enough. I was heartbroken, scared, I had a lot of anxiety, I was worried, I felt weak, and I had no idea how I was ever going to come up with the strength. But I just closed my eyes and took a blind leap. I would rather be alone with dignity than in a relationship that requires me to sacrifice my self-respect, mental health and more. Sometimes we become more in love with the person they could become and trying to fix them and we have to accept we can’t help or change ppl who don’t want help.



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