10 Self-Care Activities To Enjoy During Your Kid Free Time


self-care activities, beautiful woman laying in a hammock reading a book


Being a single mom can definitely be tough, which means that you deserve self-care whenever you can get it! While there are so many forms of self-care, treating yourself is a part of caring for yourself, just like providing for some of your more basic needs. Being a mom is hard, and you deserve the very best!

That’s why when your kids are with your ex, you should take the extra time to treat yourself however sounds the best for you! There are so many ways to treat yourself, and while you may pick just one or two, for now, it’s great to have some ideas in your pocket for later — for the next time you have a free day to yourself!

Whether your ex takes the kids every other weekend, you have an even split or you only have one free weekend a month, it’s important to make the most of your time, but also not put too much pressure on yourself. While that can be a tough balance, so many balancing acts come with being a mom that you can take it easy with this one.

Here are just a few self-care activities to enjoy when you have a little extra time alone.

1. Go to a Workout Class

Squeezing your workout routine can sometimes feel like a workout in itself, but when you suddenly have a free afternoon, you can take the opportunity not just to work out, but to go to a workout class. Of course, there are so many great workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home, but why not take the time to go out to a class When you don’t have to worry about a babysitter?

2. Watch a Grown-Up Movie

Whether you are the kind of parent who sticks to kid-friendly material all the time or lets more mature subject matters slide, having the time to sit down and watch a truly mature film is unlikely in a house with children. Take some alone time to sit back and soak up something with substance.

3. Cook Yourself Dinner

Yes, you are probably used to whipping up meals for the kids and eating quickly on the go. When was the last time you picked out something truly delectable and took the time to make yourself a dinner just for you? Find a recipe that’s both delicious and nourishing, put on some music, and let yourself play chef!

4. Read a Book

Much like the point about watching movies, it’s difficult to find the time to sit down with a good book when you have your eyes on your kids 24/7. While you have some alone time, crack open that book you’ve been meaning to get around to.

5. Take a Bath

Of course, the most classic of self-care tips! It might be a bit cliché, but it exists for a reason. If you want to give your muscles a bit of extra love and relaxation, run a warm, relaxing bath and take it easy for an evening.

6. Do Something Spontaneous

Children thrive on routine, and oftentimes, so do adults. But every once in a while it can be fun and exciting to do something spontaneous! Whatever you want to do, it’s up to you. Go dancing, decide to change up your plans last minute, or have dessert first! It’s your night, after all.

7. Go On a Date

Are you may have a special someone in your life, or you may be rocking the single life. No matter your relationship status, dates are often pushed to the back burner when the kids are around. So, whether you feel like going on a first date with somebody new or spending some time with a new fling, set aside some time to be romanced!

8. Make Some Calming Tea

If you happen to be spending the night in, tea is a great little ritual that you can use to relax and calm yourself. You can even seek out a special blend two feel a bit fancy on your night in.

9. Or Have a Glass of Wine

If you aren’t much of a tea person, you can always go with a classic glass of wine on your night in. You don’t even have to wait until the kids are in bed to kick back with a little drink that you deserve. You can even have it with dinner!

10.  Meditate

If you’re truly in the market to relax, why not take the time to look in word and find a bit of stillness while your house is quiet? Even though you may need to slip away for five-minute meditations when the kids are around, you can take this time to treat yourself to that hour-long Zen session that you’ve been craving. Whether you go to a class or enjoy a guided meditation from your own home, you deserve to feel relaxed and calm.

Treating Yourself as a Single Mom

There are so many ways that you can treat yourself when you have a bit of time alone. You deserve all the self-care in the world, no matter how often you actually find the time to make it happen. From getting your body moving to find a bit of stillness, you can have the self-care session that single moms need. Do you have a favorite self-care technique?

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