How to Survive Thanksgiving When Your Ex is a Turkey


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This Thanksgiving I will serve turkey and all the trimmings. It is going to be a Martha Stewart holiday complete with the perfect table setting. A centerpiece of pumpkins and shellacked gourds surrounded by smiling family members sharing gratitude for family, friends, and life in general.

The only problem is, while I’m baking the Turkey I’ll be stewing a pot of anger inside. Recent news of my ex has left me feeling less than kind toward him. And what I wouldn’t give to be able to spew forth a bit of venom while stewing in that pot of anger. Le’ts face it isn’t easy having an ex who is a turkey!

I’ll bite my tongue though because my sons don’t deserve the spilling forth and putting into words the ill will I feel toward their father. Let’s be honest, at Thanksgiving or any other day, who wants to listen to my post-divorce drama?

I won’t allow the lid off that pot of anger because to do so would only put me in a league with my son’s father. So, instead of heaping more pain and hurt onto them I’ll spoon heaps of mash potatoes onto their plates and smile, smile, smile.

Knowing divorce the way I do and the conflict that can take place between divorcing couples, I know I’m not the only one who will be biting her tongue at the Thanksgiving table this year.

Therefore, if you, like me, will be stewing in anger while baking your turkey, below are a few tips. They won’t help you deal with your anger, but they will help you keep your anger from spoiling your child’s Thanksgiving.

• When your child comes home from Thanksgiving dinner with his Dad talking about all the new man toys Dad has acquired, smile at your child and say, “That is nice, I’m happy for your Dad.”

• When your child tells you that Dad can’t afford a turkey for Thanksgiving because he “has to pay child support,” smile at your child and say, “That’s too bad, I hope your Dad was able to have a Happy Thanksgiving anyway.” Keep any hint of the satisfaction you feel from showing on your face!

• When your child comes home and tells you how great a cook the Dad’s new girlfriend is, smile at your child and say, “That is nice dear, I’m glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner.”

• When your child tells you how great the pecan pie was at Dad’s but he wasn’t allowed to bring a slice home because, “Your mom might eat it,” smile and say, “That’s OK, I will make you a pecan pie.” Be especially careful that your child does not see the smoke rising from your ears!

Some fathers are irrational, misguided and unable to keep their children out of the middle of the conflict they have with the mother. It isn’t only during the holidays. With some fathers, the opportunity to use a child to strike back at their mother is an activity engaged in all year round. Let’s face it, some people are nasty, vindictive, and out for revenge at anyone’s expense and at any time.

Your job as a mother is to not allow it to hurt your child.

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