Life-Changing Lessons From Getting Divorced In My Twenties | Ep 68 | The Single Girl's Guide To Life


Divorced at 26? It’s not the expectation many of us have after getting married but that was my reality.

It’s now been three years since I separated from my then husband, and in that time, I’ve learned a lot about myself – some of those things I never would have realized if I’d stayed in my marriage.

As painful and challenging as it is, I’ve grown and changed in ways I never would have thought possible, and I’m a stronger person now because of it. I want you to know that it’s possible to come out of this experience stronger and wiser, so listen in to this week’s episode where I share learn the lessons I’ve learned in the three years since my divorce.

I hope my story can give you some perspective. Divorce is hard, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world – even though it feels like it at the time. There is life after divorce, and you soon find a new normal and a new way to be happy again.



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