Divorce After 50 – Challenges and Survival Tips


Divorce after the age of 50 can be difficult and has its own unique set of challenges. After years of building a life together, couples may have a shared social network, financial assets, and even health concerns that can make the process of separation more complicated. However, with the right mindset and support, it is possible to navigate this transition and come out stronger on the other side.

5 Challenges of Divorcing After 50

Challenge #1: Financial implications

Dividing assets, retirement savings, and dealing with potential spousal support can be more complicated and have a more significant impact on both parties’ financial well-being than in a divorce at a younger age. If you’re considering a divorce after 50, it’s important to work with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst to create a plan for managing your assets, retirement savings, and other financial considerations. This can help you ensure that you are making informed decisions and protecting your financial future.

Challenge #2: Health concerns

Health issues become more common as people age and divorcing after 50 can be particularly challenging for those with health issues or disabilities who may require additional care or support. If you have health concerns, it is important to make sure you have a plan in place for managing your condition and accessing the care you need. This can include working with your healthcare provider, talking to your family members and friends about your needs, and seeking out support groups or other resources that can help you manage your health and well-being.

Challenge #3: Social networks

After years of building a life together, couples may have a shared social network that can be difficult to navigate after a divorce. Friends, family, and community connections may be impacted, and it can be challenging to establish new connections at this stage in life. If you are going through a divorce after age 50, it’s important to stay connected to your support network and seek out new opportunities for socialization. This can include joining social clubs or groups that align with your interests, volunteering, or pursuing new hobbies.

Challenge #4: Loneliness and isolation

Divorce can be isolating at any age, but it can be particularly challenging for those over 50 who may be empty nesters. Without a partner or a shared social network, it can be difficult to adjust to a new way of life. However, there are ways to combat loneliness and isolation after divorce. Again, this is a great time to check out social groups or clubs, and take part in activities that interest you.

Challenge #5: Loss of identity

After years of being part of a couple, it’s common for individuals to struggle with their identity after a divorce. They often feel lost, uncertain about who they are, or unsure about how to navigate their newfound single status. This can be particularly challenging for those who have defined themselves by their role as a spouse or parent. It’s important to remember that you are still an individual with your own unique interests, goals, and values. Take the time to explore your identity and what matters to you, and don’t be afraid to pursue new passions or reinvent yourself.

Divorcing after age 50 is a complex and challenging experience that requires a great deal of support and resilience. While the challenges of divorce can seem overwhelming, it’s important to remember that there are strategies and tips that can help you navigate this difficult time. In the following section, we’ll discuss five tips for surviving divorce after age 50, helping you manage the unique challenges of divorce and emerge from the experience stronger and more resilient than ever before.

5 Tips to Help You Survive Divorce After 50

Tip #1: Seek support

Divorce can be emotionally draining, and it’s essential that you have a support system in place. This may include friends, family members, or a therapist who can help you process your emotions and provide guidance as you navigate this new chapter in your life. Lean on those who you trust and who have your best interests at heart. They can be there to listen, offer advice, and provide the support you need during this challenging time.

Tip #2: Prioritize your health

Divorce can take a toll on your physical and mental health, so it’s important to prioritize self-care. This could include regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing stress-reducing activities such as meditation or yoga. Taking care of yourself can help you feel better physically and emotionally, and it can also give you the strength you need to handle the challenges of divorce.

Tip #3: Create a financial plan

Divorce can have significant financial implications, particularly for those over 50 who may be nearing retirement age. Working with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst to create a plan for managing your assets, retirement savings, and other financial considerations can help you protect your financial future. It can also help you ensure that you are making informed decisions that take into account your current financial situation as well as your longer-term financial security.

Tip #4: Embrace new opportunities

While it’s common for divorce to be viewed as an end, it’s also the beginning of a new chapter. It can be an opportunity to explore new hobbies, interests, or career paths that you may not have had the time or freedom to pursue before. Embrace this chance to reinvent yourself and explore new possibilities. Whether you are starting a new career, traveling to new places, or trying new activities, this can be an exciting time of growth and discovery.

Tip #5: Take things one day at a time

Divorce can be overwhelming, but it’s important to take things one day at a time. Focus on small goals and celebrate your progress along the way, whether it’s getting through a difficult day or taking a step toward a new goal. Remember that healing and recovery take time, and it’s okay to take things slow.

While divorce after 50 can present unique challenges, from financial implications to social isolation to a loss of identity, the right mindset and support can help you navigate this transition and come out stronger on the other side. Seek support, prioritize self-care, create a financial plan, embrace new opportunities, and take things one day at a time. By doing so, you can move forward with confidence and create a fulfilling new chapter in your life regardless of your age.

Here’s how we can help you…

We get that divorce can feel really hard and leave you with a lot of questions about how to handle your finances. After all, this is the reason Leah Hadley founded Great Lakes Divorce Financial Solutions in the first place. 

After her divorce, she found herself stressed and overwhelmed about how to navigate life on her own with three kids and a new financial situation.

Helping families overcome this challenge is why we do what we do. 

Whether you’ve never had to manage money before, or you’re a master at investing, we are here to support you as your financial expert before, during, and after your divorce. You can learn more about our services HERE.

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