What Can I Post On Social Media During A Divorce? (Or What Not to Post)


The very best advice that we can give you is that when you are going through a divorce stay the heck off all Social Media!! If you can’t help yourself, then keep reading.

Divorce can be painful, and people going through the process are often confused, angry, frustrated, and overwhelmed. In this modern world, social media is an outlet where many people share feelings, and couples going through a divorce are no exception. Sharing your feelings and thoughts about the divorce that you are going through is not a good idea.  In fact, it can be your downfall.

Below Are Some Tips On What Not To Post On Social Media During A Divorce Process

Anything you post on Social Media can end up in evidence, in front of your judge, during the custody or divorce trial.  For example, it is not a good idea to change your status during the pendency of a divorce.  Likewise, it is a bad idea to disparage your spouse during the divorce process.  Even if it makes you feel good, it is probably not worth it.

1. Do Not Change Your Status On Social Media

Even though it is tempting to announce your pending divorce on social media, it is never a good idea to change your status to “single”. The inference in changing your status to “single”, is that you are looking for a new partner.  This can anger your spouse, especially if infidelity is an issue.  Further, it can send a signal to your judge that your priorities lie elsewhere.  A good “rule of thumb” is to finish one thing before you start another!

2. Mean or Disparaging Comments About Your Spouse

In general, speaking meanly or disparagingly about your spouse is a poor reflection on you, not your spouse. It is routine for any divorce attorney to search out the social media sites of the client’s spouse, and the spouse’s friends.  These posts are collected and used as trial exhibits.  The mean and disparaging posts are used to prove that you were mean and disrespectful throughout the marriage.  When I find mean or disparaging posts made by my client’s spouse about my client, I use them to argue to the court “imagine if he/she said this publicly during the divorce process when everyone can look, what he/she must have said in the privacy of their home”.  Using social media posts has helped my clients secure a divorce from their spouse of the grounds of cruelty.  If you have mean posts about your spouse out there – delete them as fast as possible.

3. Do Not Post Pictures of Your New Partner

While it is healthy to move on with your life, it is a better practice to keep your new partner under wraps until the divorce process has concluded; for many reasons.  For example, if your spouse has not moved on, it may anger her.  If you are being accused of infidelity, it could result in you being found at fault for the divorce.  Your judge may disapprove of new relationships prior to divorce, and you may expose yourself to unnecessary negative judgments during this life altering process.

4. Don’t Share Pictures of Drinking Alcohol or Parties

It might be tempting for you to post pictures of you attending a party or having fun at a pub. Avoid posting the pictures. Your ex-spouse could use these pictures to degrade your character during the custody battle.  Also, be careful about what your friends post on their social media.

5. Boasting About New Car or Job or Others

For obvious reasons it is not a good idea to broadcast about a job promotion or a new purchase.  Such posts can arouse the interest of your spouse and result in scrutiny.  It is best to not bring attention to yourself.  There is just no way to predict what effect something will have.  The concern should be ever more amplified in circumstances where you have an angry spouse.

6. Never Share Advice From Your Attorney

What you and your attorney discuss is confidential.  You have the right to never disclose your attorney-client communications.  That said, you can waive your right to confidentiality.  Arguably posting the advice from your attorney on a social media site is waiving your attorney client privilege.  Be discreet during the divorce process, especially with regard to what you and your attorney discuss.

7. Do Not Post Anything Related to Gambling, Pornography, Drinking or Drugs

While you may only be blowing off steam, posts about dinking, gambling, drugs and the like can be used to put you in questionable light.  Especially if you are fighting for custody of children, you want to avoid anything that could be used to call you unfit.  Judges tend to be considerably older than the litigants and litigants are judged by a standard they are not familiar with.  Be conservative during this limited, life-altering time of your life.

8. Create A New Email Address And Use It for Anything Divorce Related

Do not use your work email address.  Your spouse may be able to subpoena these emails.  Communicate with your attorney through a dedicated email.  Attorney-client communications are privileged.

Consult An Experienced Divorce Attorney

In the divorce process, you must discuss with your attorney about the social media sites that you use and show the pictures or posts that you have posted recently. Your ex-spouse’s attorney may ask for your social information, such as profiles or passwords – or use methods to get details. You should stop using social media until your divorce is finalized. You need to take the help of an experienced lawyer to make your divorce process easier.

At Paré & Associates, LLC (formerly Law Office Of Alice Paré) we are an experienced divorce attorney in Germantown, MD. Our practice is primarily family law. And we have decades of experience. We know our judges, we know our court system here in Montgomery County.

If you want to begin to make your plan, are ready to consult with an experienced divorce attorney for men, or just need some questions answered, contact us here, go online to schedule an appointment, or call us at (301)515-1190 to set up an initial, free consultation.

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