What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do — The Dynamic Divorcée


I wrote this for you if you have the same old problem, month after month (maybe it’s a person, maybe it’s a situation, maybe it’s an ex . . .) and it just nags at you.

Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Should I divorce my husband?” and you’ve been thinking about it for years now, yet there’s no clarity.

Maybe there’s another area of your life when you don’t know what to do.

The lack of positive change toward something better in our lives can weigh us down, making us feel that nothing seems worth it.

When something is wrong for a long period of time, we tend to give up on it. We don’t really know that we’ve given up, but when nothing changes for the better, it means we’ve decided we can’t have the life we want. It seems like there are so many reasons, so many blocks, that there’s no way out.

But making things better doesn’t have to take a long time and it doesn’t have to be hard.

The six steps below will seem too simple to work, but please trust me on this. Processes like this one (fine-tuned to the individual I’m working with) have changed the lives of many of my clients. And quickly.

Magical principles are hidden inside many of the following easy steps, so please try it exactly as it is below (down to even combing your hair).

Step 1: Don’t even “get ready,” just do it.

Grab a piece of paper out of the trash. It can be the back of an envelope, a greasy piece of brown paper, anything. Why the trash? Why not buy a fancy journal and a special fountain pen and . . . . Because the best answers come when you don’t make things “fancy.” You just grab a scrap of paper, or write on the back of a paper towel and get it done. Getting it done fast, down and dirty is the magic here.

Step 2: If you didn’t even have to do it yourself, what would you do? Give your higher self 60 seconds or so to figure it out for you.

On that humble piece of paper, scribble, as messily as you can some stuff you could do to get closer to getting to a solution for whatever you’re concerned about.

Don’t write pretty. Don’t rethink anything. You just want to spew out, stream-of-unconscious, anything related to solving your problem or situation that writes itself automatically from your hand.

If you get stuck, just start drawing chicken scratch with your pencil or pen until some words come out. Nothing is too weird or offbeat to write down.

Don’t let your brain start interfering with the process. Take just 60 seconds. On the rare chance that nothing comes out onto the page, take that piece of paper with you on your day, and try again for 60 seconds later.

Step 3: Just look at your list. You’re not committing to doing anything.

Now you have a messy list of some ideas. Don’t look at your list yet. First, take a few slow breaths. Okay, now look, as if this is a list belonging to someone else’s problem.

Which thing is harmless enough that it won’t make anything worse? (That’s important so that you won’t be afraid to do it.) 

Is there some research you need to do? Someone you need to talk with? An errand you need to run? A chore that you can chunk down into smaller, less-intimidating pieces?

Step 4: Reset your vibe.

Don’t move into action yet. Right now, throw some water on your face and comb the bad juju out of your hair. Make some coffee or your favorite drink. This step is really important. You’re giving yourself some love and getting into a focused state to connect with your god(s)/ancestors/guides or your higher self.

Step 5: Ask for help from the guardian spirits who know you best.

Say to your god(s)/ancestors/guides or your higher self: “I’m totally confused. What do you want me to see about this situation? What have you been trying to tell me all this time? I’m finally ready to listen.” 

Important: No matter how serious the situation, you want to listen as calmly and peacefully as possible. You’re in the hands of the spirit guides who can really help you and who want to help you.

You don’t have to be stuck and confused about this problem forever. Don’t beg or plead or become overwrought with the stress you’ve been under. Just listen.

Step 6: Get specific.

If you sit still for a few minutes, and still don’t hear anything, then ask them:

“I’m thinking of doing this thing (tell them what you’re thinking of doing that you wrote on your list). What do you say? I’m scared and I need a sign in the next ___ minutes/hours. I love you and thank you.” 

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