8 Guilt-Free Indulgences Every Divorced Mom Should Splurge On


red headed woman with hair being blown dry


After divorce, it’s easy to focus on everything and everyone but yourself. As a mom, you want to do everything in your power to keep your kids happy even when you’re not with their other parent anymore.

However, you need to realize that you have self-worth, and you deserve to treat yourself. When you learn to love yourself again, you begin to treat yourself with more respect and love, which is a massive step in the post-divorce healing process.

One way to treat yourself is by splurging on things you either need or couldn’t have before the divorce. Sometimes, a little bit of retail therapy goes a long way on the road to recovery and renewal.

These are eight things divorced moms should splurge on guilt-free.

1. New Bed Sheets

You deserve the best sleep every night, so why would you continue going to bed in the same sheets and under the same blankets you had with your ex? Ditch the old sheets and splurge on a new comfortable sheet set. Purchase those satin sheets or white ones to make you feel like you’re going to bed in a hotel every night.

While you’re at it, you could invest in a weighted blanket, too. It’ll give you those hugs you might be missing and can lessen the anxiety you might have at bedtime.

2. A Vacation or Getaway

Take a vacation either by yourself, with your best friends, a sister, your mom, or even your kids. Getting away from an environment that reminds you of your ex can do you a lot of good while you’re still emotionally healing from divorce.

Go to the beach, rent a cabin in the mountains, or book an exotic cruise. Occasionally splurge on food and drinks while you’re there, and thoroughly enjoy yourself.

3. Hairstyle and Clothes

Many women and moms tend to change up their looks a little bit after divorce. If your ex-partner never let you go to the salon, now’s your chance. Do whatever you want with your hair and embrace the new you. Go for a bold color or cut, or add those extensions you always wanted.

Additionally, purchase a new outfit or some new clothes to add to your wardrobe. You deserve to look and feel your best, so don’t be afraid to splurge on a pair of jeans or a dress you’ve been eyeing for a few months.

4. Cleaning Service

It’s time to give yourself a break from cleaning, at least for a little while. You’re busy running the kids back and forth between school, practices, and their other parent’s home. Besides that, you’ve got a new life ahead of you filled with new adventures.

Consider hiring a cleaning service. They can help you clear out your ex’s clutter, get your floors sparkling clean and tackle the bathroom. Plus, they’re quick and efficient. Now that you’re down a cleaning helper — that is, if they helped you clean at all — everything would take twice the time. Do yourself a favor for a few weeks after divorce and hire someone else to roll up their sleeves!

5. Kitchen Tools

Another great splurge item after you’re divorced is a new kitchen tool or even multiple kitchen tools. Update your pots and pans set, get an air fryer for easy one-person meals or invest in a new stove.

If you don’t like to cook or have never really cooked before, you could take yourself out to dinner or purchase a meal subscription kit. These are easy ways to make meals for yourself, and they’re often super delicious.

6. Spa Day

There’s no better time than now to book yourself a spa day. Splurge on all spa activities, like relaxing in a hot tub, getting a massage, exfoliating your skin, sitting in the sauna, and taking a mud bath.

After you relaxed, get a mani-pedi to get your nails looking fresh and beautiful. All of the pamperings will make you feel like the queen you are!

7. Fitness Class or Equipment

Exercise will help you feel better. When a significant life event happens, like a divorce, it can leave you feeling sad, angry, and all sorts of other emotions. You’re more susceptible to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety.

Of course, if you’re feeling those, you should see a doctor right away. However, you could invest in a fitness class, gym membership, or some essential home gym equipment to supplement therapy or medications. Getting exercise releases endorphins to help you feel better naturally.

8. Education

Finally, invest in education if you’ve been putting off a degree or want to pursue a new career path. This is a heftier splurge than all of the others, so make sure you have the finances to do this before signing up for college courses.

Education is one of the most valuable things in life. Go for that master’s degree or finish college. Investing in yourself after divorce can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the end.

Splurge on You

You deserve only the best in this world. Life throws challenges at you, but you need to get the right help and do what’s best for you and your kids.

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