Starting Over After Divorce & Finding Yourself Again — The Dynamic Divorcée


If you’re coming out of a marriage that was longer than just a year or two, there has been so much time for a spouse to erode your sense of who you are.

Most women realize, after divorce, that they gave away so much of their identity during marriage that they’re not really sure who they are anymore. Or who they want to be.

So, I made a little video about this, and included an easy and fun first step, with questions to ask yourself so you can get yourself back. How to remember who you started out to be (as a child), who you imagined yourself to be (as a teen and young adult), and all of the pieces that may have been lost along the way.

And, super important piece of the puzzle: What are the new dreams that you can dare to dream now? How to find out.

You’ll also get a tiny bit of insight into how I work with my clients.

Take a look:

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